In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the current support available to households. Sacriston Parish Council and The Fulforth Centre would like to try and support our village further. Sacriston Parish Council has donated funds which will help supply meals to the most vulnerable. The Fulforth Centre also received funding from Chestr Le Street & District AAP for Easter Holiday Activities, this funding combined with the Parish fund will enable more meals to be available.
All meals will be prepared and cooked within The Fulforth Centre by cooks with relevant Food Hygiene certification. Meals will be supplied two days per week - Wednesday and Friday, commencing Wednesday 8 April. Meals will be available between 1pm and 2pm and can be collected from the kitchen door situated at the car park side of the building.
To assist us with numbers to cater for, may we ask that those wishing to collect meals either comment on this page, call the centre on 0191 3710601 and leave a message or email
Stay safe everyone